Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Coherancy Problems

So, I'm reading an article by dr b on bookriot, which is a fantastically addicting website, and I had a self-discovery, epiphany, light bulb moment about myself and my writing. I'm reading the fourth heading down, "Sometimes the essay murders the idea." I really like this article. I love Winnie the Pooh, I love the link to life the writer is portraying by comparing quotes to their lit classes. But then, from one nano second to the next, I don't so much like this particular paragraph.


Don't get me wrong. Her whole article was fantastic and I loved it. It was because I suddenly understand my problem with getting my ideas on paper, and for all the newfound knowledge, it brings me no closer solving it.

And I have a great analogy for it, too. It's like trying to write a dream. You know when you're dreaming a dream, it makes such complete sense. Even when you wake up, the feeling it left you with leaves no room fr questioning, whether it be fear, sorrow, just plain weirdness... But then when you try to tell someone, or write it down, you start having problems properly explaining what happened in the dream, and suddenly someone is looking at you like you just went cross-eyed and started talking in lost languages.

The only response you have to that is "well, you know how dreams are," at which point the person, who is already looking at you with suspicious, googly eyes, then raises one suspicious, googly eyebrow.

I have kept a dream journal before in my efforts to wrangle some sense out of my constant nightmares, which I have had since I was at least five, and which I can recall all the way to stated age. That can't be normal, right? I am quite obsessed with dreams, in fact. But I won't go down that dark alley right now.

My point was, that's what it feels like. I can see the story in my head, I can feel how I want it to turn out, but I cannot translate it from my head to coherent writing. For those of you who have never tried writing and have never dreamt (as some people claim when I ask them about their dreams), the only other thing I can compare it to is trying to get the room to stop spinning when you're so drunk your only two options are to throw up or pass out.

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